Employee Experience: Three Key IT Strategies for Success

With the hybrid and remote workforce reality, there’s a tightening focus on the horizon for IT teams: EX (employee experience).

Based on a recent Forrester study, nearly 70% of surveyed IT decision makers (ITDMs) plan to increase their investment in their remote workforce and distributed teams in the next year.¹ When the office-based elements of work life are removed, the technology that enables and connects employees to work is now the largest opportunity and threat to EX.

IT holds the keys to employee experience. So how do you ensure that the employee experience is central to your IT strategy?

“The last year, 2020, validated and accelerated the need for flexible, work-anywhere solutions. Nearly half (46%) of ITDMs want services that would enable them to support technology onsite or remotely.” Forrester

Here are three IT strategies that your team can tap into with the ProSupport Suite for PCs for a better employee experience.

You can only manage what you measure, tap into performance insights  

When it comes to EX, if your employee is raising a support ticket, it’s too late. The employee is already frustrated and if working remote or in a distributed environment, you may be up against longer timelines to deliver a solution if it requires hardware changes. Repeat this dynamic over time and you may face broader impacts of employee dissatisfaction on your business.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could keep a finger on the EX pulse with connected PCs securely sending telemetry data to give you unparalleled insight into performance and application experience?

Equipped with this data, you can actively manage the trends that impact the employee workday. Zero in on a fine-tuned PC setup for your users leveraging insights into CPU, GPU, storage utilization and system crashes with the data to prove it. You can identify which applications are the most utilized and which cause the most heartburn to make informed decisions that will improve experience.

Some of the most critical conversations I have with our customers are about people, processes, operating models and even culture.” – Doug Schmitt, President, Dell Technologies Services

Take action to resolve issues anytime, anywhere with speed and precision

Stay ahead of issues with visibility across your fleet of PCs. You can discover issues before your employee does, skipping the disruption to their workday.

With modern support tools, like our proactive and predictive capabilities in TechDirect, you are notified of issues and have a clear path to expedited resolution regardless of where you or your team sits.

According to Forrester, 53% of IT leaders believe AI-powered connectivity accelerates issue resolution and 60% believe AI-powered connectivity reduces risk.

With these tools onboard your support services, you can find issues from your centralized dashboard and initiate resolution for your end-user. If it predicts or finds a hardware failure, it kicks off the process of replacement, so no time is lost diagnosing the exponential possible causes and getting the request properly routed.

Automate and create space to innovate

When employees aren’t facing PC issues that require immediate resolution, they often experience a build-up of performance impacting issues that can strain their productivity and patience over time. Staying on top of this dynamic can be a time sink for IT teams.

Modern support tools that continuously optimize help deliver the best possible experience without additional IT effort. With ProSupport Plus, this includes freeing up disk space, tuning performance and optimizing network performance.

With tools that optimize, resolve and manage PCs through automation, the benefit isn’t removing IT teams from the equation, but enhancing their skills, pinpointing solutions and freeing up these resources for strategic work.

Go beyond standard support strategies that don’t address employee experience

These are just a few examples of strategic, modern support features that can set you up for lasting employee satisfaction. IT is under a huge amount of pressure to deliver solutions for evolving needs and provide a differentiated employee experience.

We don’t think you should have to tackle this alone. A trusted strategic partner can provide modern day support with a strategic edge. As Dell Technologies Services President Doug Schmitt observes, “strategic IT services partners enable the discussion to expand beyond technology and can give IT leaders and their teams the edge they need.”

Learn more about the ProSupport Suite for PCs and how Dell Technologies can help you build the IT experience your team deserves.

1 Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Dell Technologies, March 2021.

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