Tech Tips for a Happy Holiday Season

‘Tis the season for cheer and holiday gift giving. We spend such significant time focusing on making our gift list that it never crosses our minds  to think about what happens behind the scenes on our chosen e-commerce platform. There are many threats online during the holiday season and it’s very important to make sure that as you navigate shopping online, you are doing so safely.

Often, we get excited to purchase and open a brand-new device and we forget how we can make use of our old one. Have you thought about recycling your old version or extending the battery life of your current tech toy? We are here to help guide you so you can revel in your holiday cheer.

Safe shopping online

The convenience of the internet continues to create new opportunities for online shopping by way of apps, microsites, etc. However, it’s also a time of year when experts see an uptick in cyberattacks. Recently, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security’s cyber arm warned businesses, and consequently shoppers, the weeks leading up to the holidays pose a large threat for ransomware attacks. At Dell Technologies, we make sure to provide our customers with a smooth customer journey through check out that they can trust and believe in. To help keep your information private, be vigilant and follow these tips to stay protected while online shopping:

  • Be sure to use a secure website by looking at the URL (https://).
  • Strive to use sites from reputable brands you know and trust.
  • Avoid making purchases on public computers and public Wi-Fi as they may contain malicious software and are not secured.
  • Ensure you have a strong password or passphrase, consisting of numbers, letters and special characters.
  • Never reuse or recycle passwords and use multi-factor authentication whenever possible.
  • Never click on suspicious links.

You bought a new PC, now what?

You successfully got through the online shopping experience for your new device, now what?

Data is often stored on the hard drive of your PC or computing device. So, when it’s time to make that holiday upgrade to the beautiful new system you’ve had your eyes on, you’ll want to safely remove your personal files and information from your old device before disposing of it.

For this, you have options. Some computers already have data removal software. For Dell computers, many models include the Dell Data Wipe feature built into the BIOS. Other brands may have similar software. If your computer does not have software to erase the hard drive, there is software you can purchase. One is Dell Migrate, a service that makes it easier to move important files from your old PC to your new Dell and can also help you remove all private information from the older device.

Once you have removed your files from the computer, what should you do with it? We see out-of-use devices as a valuable resource, one that can go on to be refurbished, reused or recycled. We believe in cross-industry collaboration for sustainability by tapping into global supply chains by recycling materials needed to produce our devices. This point aligns with our 2030 goal to reuse, or recycle, an equivalent product for each one sold.

Dell believes in keeping materials in circulation and out of the landfill, driving sustainability improvements across the globe. We believe it is our responsibility to protect and enrich our planet as much as possible. Working together to make sure that we achieve this goal is vital to advancing sustainability not only at Dell Technologies, but across the tech industry.

We make it simple for our customers to participate in one of our free consumer recycling programs – taking back any brand, in any condition. For example, in the U.S., if your system still has some life in it, our new Dell Trade In program offers instant credit to be used towards a future Dell purchase when you trade in an eligible device of any brand. Or if your computer is a bit older or no longer working, our global Return to Dell mail-back service offers free recycling, even covering the cost of shipping.

Travelling with your new laptop? Tips to extend your battery life

Dell Technologies’ global landscape includes travelling to places near and far from time to time. With years of travelling, I understand the obstacles that come with technology on the road and the feeling when your battery life runs out along the way. Now that you have your new laptop up and running, let’s make sure the battery life will last as long as possible during your travels this holiday season. Here are a few quick tips that may help conserve some battery time:

  • Power off your device before placing it in a laptop bag or other enclosed area.
  • Always use the original AC adapter provided with the laptop. Do not use third-party AC adapters or batteries.
  • Reduce the brightness of the screen.
  • Reduce the amount of open software.
  • Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures. If the system is exposed to extreme cold or hot temperatures, allow it to reach normal temperature before use and before charging.

Visit our website for more tips to help extend the run time of your laptop battery, such as ensuring you don’t keep your devices plugged in at all times and looking for laptops that incorporate smart battery technology.

On behalf of the Dell Technologies team, I wish you and your family a holiday season filled with cheer and lasting memories.

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