Talking Tech with Travis – Episode Four: Cybersecurity and CloudIQ

Cybersecurity is top of mind for technology managers. As Maxim Balin, senior security solutions architect at Dell Technologies in Beer Sheva, Israel, explains how infrastructure misconfigurations are the most common of the top 10 cybersecurity risks in data centers. These misconfigurations can inadvertently allow hackers access to companies’ data and systems.

Maxim describes how Dell EMC CloudIQ helps data center managers harden their security. The solution monitors the operation of servers, storage and networks at many customer sites, and now comes with a new feature, Cybersecurity Assessment. Misconfiguration risks often go undetected for years, but CloudIQ checks infrastructure configurations every hour and notifies system managers when it detects a risk or a deviation from cybersecurity best practices and policies. Across the IT landscape, it shows each system’s level of risk and allows managers to hone in on specific technologies to fully understand their cybersecurity gaps and begin remediation. CloudIQ data is securely encrypted and protected, in use, at rest and in transit.

I hope you enjoy this episode of Talking Tech with Travis. Join the conversation in my Twitter feed, and let me know what you think with the hashtag #TalkingTechwithTravis.

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About the Author: Travis Vigil

Travis Vigil is Senior Vice President leading Portfolio and Product Management for Dell’s Infrastructure Solutions Group (ISG). He and his team are responsible for the Product, Offer and APEX (as-a-Service) Roadmap for Dell’s Server, Storage, Data Protection, CI/HCI, Networking, and Solutions portfolios. He has over 20 years of Product Management, Marketing and Business Operations experience with technology companies including Dell and Intel.

In previous roles at Dell, he served as Senior Vice President for Storage & Data Protection Product Management, and Senior Vice President for Business Operations focused on Dell’s Server, Storage and Networking Business with commercial customers.

He has a B.S. from Stanford University and an M.B.A. from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management.

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