When It Comes to Growth, There Is No Taking Sides

Dell Technologies’ recent Q3 performance was fueled by our unwavering focus on customers, and we delivered record results and growth. That growth was made possible by our long-standing omni-channel strategy, leveraging Dell’s sellers AND our channel partners. While there’s a tendency in the industry to talk about direct or channel, it’s not about choosing one or the other, and certainly not about choosing one at the expense of the other.

Dell Technologies is focused on taking share, not taking sides. An omni-channel business model with a robust partner ecosystem is at the core of our corporate growth strategy.

We’re growing faster than the market by using all routes to market to give our customers choice in how they acquire our technology to transform their businesses. We incentivize our sellers and our partners to drive strong, long-term growth where the greatest opportunity exists.

Recent results show our approach is working. Today our channel business is growing faster than our direct business, and we’re not about to slow it down. In fact, we want both to grow faster.

In our third quarter, year-over-year global orders revenue through the channel grew:

    • 34% Globally
    • 41% for Client Solutions
    • 40% for Servers
    • 12% for Storage

Further, this fiscal year, our partners were responsible for more than half of our new and reactivated customers.

This commitment to growth across all routes to market is bedrock within Dell and shared at all levels of the company. Michael Dell, Jeff Clarke, Chuck Whitten and Allison Dew commented on our partner model and support at Dell Technologies Summit in October. You’re hearing it again from me now: We love the channel. Partners account for more than half of our orders revenue. When our customers win, we ALL win – partners and Dell.

We want our customer experience to be stellar no matter the route to market. We build our channel programs and incentives to lean into the most rewarding growth opportunities. We recognize that we don’t get it right every time. No company does. Customers and partners can always contact me, my leadership team, or any team member at Dell Technologies about their experience working with us, whether positive or negative.

Dell reps and our partner community working hand-in-hand helps us best serve customers and deliver the results we’ve collectively experienced this year. We win together.

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