Three Reasons We’re Thankful for Data

For many of us, this is an important time of year to consider giving thanks. We each have many things we may be thankful for in our personal lives and our professional ones; from the health of our family and loved ones, to colleagues and customers who have made this year a success.

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Data is a driver for many of the possibilities of today and tomorrow. Here are three reasons we’re thankful for data this Thanksgiving.

1. Data Can Predict the Future

The power of data is undeniable. Data is helping make our world more predictive, more productive and more personal.

One place where predictive data will make a great impact is in medicine. Personalized healthcare is built on massive datasets that will help care givers make smarter decisions by harnessing historic trends and patterns. From what treatment or medications to prescribe, to predicting future conditions, here’s why we’re thankful to actionable and predictive data for patient care:

2. Data is Preserving Our History and Culture

Music and art have defined our history, cultures, language and love throughout time. Today we have the ability to preserve our cultural heritage and to access the traditions, achievements and inspirations of many others.

Here’s one such example. The legacy of classic jazz, blues, and rock has impacted our lives across cultures and continents and is still touching the hearts of young people today. The Montreux Jazz Festival was able to digitize and preserve 50 years of audio and video recordings, with 15,000+ hours of classic jazz, blues, and rock performances. We’re thankful to data for helping keep our history, and the classics alive:

3. Data Helps Us Understand Our World, and Universe

From space, our world has no borders. Satellites circle the earth every ninety minutes and collect imagery and monitor planetary events that keep a record of our world. Environmental and mapping data are the foundation to discovering meaningful insights to our environment and to the development of humankind. Here’s why we’re thankful to data for enriching life on Earth:

We are thankful for data for helping us making sense of our past, enabling our today and building a better tomorrow. Enjoy the holiday with your loved ones!

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