Take a Guided Journey Through Transformation

In life, we don’t always achieve our goals without some help. We often rely on the guidance of others as we embark on a new journey.

I think about a trip I took to Yellowstone National Park. This had been on my bucket list for some time and I was determined to see wildlife. Not just the bison that everyone sees, but something more extreme, like a bear or a wolf, but I wasn’t sure how to even find one. Everything I read said finding these animals was rare, so we chose a guided tour with an experienced ranger.

We had to navigate some tougher terrain, but I got to see my bear and it was as thrilling as I imagined. The ranger didn’t just get us to the destination, but he also helped make the experience more exciting than scary This ranger knew the park, the places bears frequent, ways to track them and how to maintain a safe distance, all things I didn’t know. As a result, I had an unforgettable trip and the pictures to prove it.

That level of expertise is what businesses rely on to help navigate and lead them successfully through transformation objectives. Organizations are increasingly aware that this deep knowledge and experience is not found within, but through experts that live these situations day in and day out, just like a park ranger in his park.

A recent surveyed IT decision makers and found that 74% can’t meet business demands with only internal resources and 65% don’t have resources to realize their technology’s full value.¹ More and more, these organizations are seeking help from outside experts.

To survive and grow, your business must be relevant to an increasingly demanding and connected customer base. Digital transformation makes it easier, faster and more efficient to do business, with 81% of businesses rating IT innovation as a high or critical priority in the coming year. But you don’t have to do this alone.

Dell Technologies Services has experience from thousands of customers across a wide number of industries around the world, providing technology-related skills and best practices in top priority areas to help businesses achieve objectives and fulfill outcomes. We stop at nothing to help you modernize and realize your technology’s full potential.

Mapping the transformation journey—how we helped a financial services company

We work collaboratively with a business to understand their unique needs, setting timelines and benchmarks to success. In this example, a financial services company has come to us for help.

    • They face a situation where they are experiencing changing consumer behaviors and economic pressures.
    • They manage high-value assets for millions who trust them with sensitive data.
    • Their customers expect access to high-quality information and the ability to make quick transactions.
    • To stay competitive, and in light of a recent acquisition, they are driven to modernize while still maintaining reliable access to information and customer service with no down-time or data loss.

Dell EMC Residency Services graphic.

Let’s dive in to how we helped this business.

Challenge 1: Making time and space for primary storage and data protection solutions

The situation: The company has limited space and needs reliable storage solutions and improved network performance. They must ensure data resiliency to maintain growing customer data. New primary storage solutions have been implemented and now must be seamlessly integrated to maintain high availability.

The solution: Resident engineers are engaged with expertise in primary storage and data protection solutions. They are tasked with helping to optimize the new systems, integrating them into the environment to deliver increased speed and capacity at a lower cost. Additionally, they will help to architect the data center for enhanced data backup, recovery capabilities and reliability as well as to enable data recovery with automation software.

The results: With the help of Dell EMC Residency Services, the company maintains the high availability they need and increases their reliability and resiliency. Key outcomes include 99.9% faster processing and availability

Challenge 2: Day one productivity requires fast, accurate deployment

The situation: An acquisition has increased staff by 22%, requiring additional infrastructure to manage the larger organization. The company requires agile and accurate deployment and integration and seeks help to expertly lead deployment of their new solutions.

The solution: With Dell Technologies ProDeploy the company gets a certified deployment engineer to manage the installation and configuration of hardware and system software, plus around the clock assistance and a single point of contact for project management.

The results: The company realizes agile and accurate deployment that results in a 68% decrease in deployment time. 689 employees are able to be efficiently onboarded with the help of this newly integrated advanced infrastructure.

Challenge 3: New team members need the right technology structure to succeed

The situation: As the company grows, they are driven to modernize through a virtualized organization that will increase internal efficiency and further enhance the customer experience. By delivering a digital organization they aim to inspire collaboration and innovation that will not only ensure talent retention, but also help drive the future success of their business. New systems, including Microsoft 365, Microsoft Exchange Server and Windows virtual desktop, have been introduced and they seek help navigating this change and introducing this seamlessly across the organization.

The solution: A resident expert that is proficient in these technologies is carefully paired to their needs. The resident is focused on workforce productivity outcomes aligned to communication and collaboration, helping the business navigate the best way to introduce the new technology, onboard the employees and set standardized processes.

The results: The company achieves improvement in efficiency and collaboration, increase in technology adoption and utilization and a reduction of complexities with standardized processes

Reaching your destination

In the end, Dell Technologies Services was able to address each of these challenges with precision. This meant implementing intelligent solutions that would enable the best service for their customers, all while maintaining reliability with no disruption to everyday business.

We recognize that every situation is unique, and our services are catered to meeting the particular needs and challenges of each business. This example is just a glimpse into a customer’s specific experiences. Now it’s up to you to realize your own transformation journey with Dell Technologies Services by your side. Let us help you.

For more information on this customer journey, take a look at our new interactive experience. If you are ready to embark on a journey of your own, tailored to your industry and business needs, our experts are ready for you.

¹ Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Dell Technologies, March 2021.

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