Reflector 4 Replaces Reflector Teacher and Reflector 3

Reflector Teacher end of life image

The all new Reflector 4 is the latest version of our popular Reflector screen mirroring receiver software. Reflector 4 is the upgrade to both Reflector 3 and Reflector Teacher. There will not be a new Reflector Teacher release. Instead, we opted to join both products to streamline our product offering and deliver the best of Reflector in a single solution.

All of your favorite Reflector Teacher and Reflector 3 capabilities as well as the latest technology and feature updates are included in Reflector 4. Learn more about what’s new in Reflector 4 here.

Reflector Teacher and Reflector 3

Reflector Teacher and Reflector 3 will continue to function as presently constructed. Download Reflector 4 for all future product updates, maintenance and support.

Please contact us with any questions or to discuss options.

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