How to: Set up a secured, multi-user work environment

We understand that businesses (from small to large) rely heavily on a robust storage of any kind – but because NAS allows multiple users of accessing and using it simultaneously, we figured that we’d do a quick walk-through on how to create the best, secured QNAP set up for the work environment. We have also put into slide shows for quick tutorials/demos.


Create multiple users and edit privilege settings

In a work environment, ideally, every employee who would use the QNAP would need their own dedicated user ID/password.

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Shared folder creation / privilege settings

Create shared folders on the QNAP to divide and organize your work files. Marketing would have a “marketing” folder, and only the people under marketing can access the folder.

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Configure your router

QNAP can configure your router so that it will allow you to remote access your NAS wherever you are.

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myQNAPcloud set up

Set up the myQNAPcloud settings so that you can give your QNAP a unique link, so when you want to remote access, you can just access it with that link.

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So right now, we’re going to use FTP as an example for demonstrating on how to remote upload/download/access your QNAP. In the next slideshow, we will demonstrate on how to connect to your QNAP via Filezilla / FTP service with your devices’ dedicated link.


FTP set up

Setup FTP in just a few clicks to let others upload/download/edit/delete files from the QNAP.  Privilege settings can be customized for each users.

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Backup to another QNAP NAS (Remote location) via RTRR

Setup remote replication jobs in the Backup Station in the QTS UI. Backup the NAS, or selected share folders in the NAS.

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Set up FTP, HTTP(S), SSH Network Access Protection

When your NAS is hooked up to the public network, it’s best to also have firewall settings configured which can prevent you from malicious attacks. Go to System Settings -> Security -> Network Access Protection and check off the designated protocols that you’d like to configure. Hit “Apply All” and save.

Set up

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