Edge: Telecom’s New Battleground | Dell Technologies

The network edge is poised to transform the way communication service providers (CSPs) generate revenue—and it couldn’t have arrived at a better time. As income from connectivity services continues to decline and investment in 5G soars, edge computing represents a new—and hotly contended—growth opportunity for network operators.

The telecom edge with Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) connects distributed cloud technologies, digital platforms, and new business models to form a multi-tenant, distributed edge cloud ecosystem. MEC enables low-latency and high-bandwidth use cases that aren’t possible with centralized cloud architectures. These use cases encompass everything from autonomous transportation, AR/VR, gaming, as well as real-time sensory and image processing.

Such growth potential is being propelled forward by the rapid expansion of IoT, the unparalleled promise of 5G, and more. Edge computing is not only complementary to these technologies, in many cases it’s essential to realizing their true value.

5G and edge work hand-in-hand

5G stands to completely transform the mobile communications network, delivering new levels of coverage, reliability, unprecedented low latency and high-speed data transfer. As the rollout of 5G accelerates, network disaggregation is uprooting traditional ‘black box’ models, enabling more agility and significantly lower total cost of ownership for operators. CSPs now find themselves in a unique position to build new partnerships and solutions using hardware and software previously unavailable to them.

While 5G’s most transformative use cases are yet to be discovered, it is certain that they will be born at the edge. By bringing compute power into the network and enabling applications to be hosted closer to end-users, data can be analyzed closer to its source without needing to travel all the way back to a centralized cloud or data center. In essence, edge computing delivers the ultra-low latency required to unleash the benefits of 5G at scale.

Enterprise decision-makers are already waking up to the possibilities of some of 5G’s many applications. Take 5G private mobility for example, which will deliver critical wireless communication, connectivity and security to inner city offices, offshore oil rigs and everything in between.

Edge computing is key to sustaining IoT’s growing momentum

IDC estimates that 41.6 billion IoT connected devices will be in use by 2025. As these devices proliferate, there is an increasing need for compute, storage and networking infrastructure to exist closer to where applications are consumed. The telecom edge can service that need, reducing dependency on centralized clouds while facilitating the collation and analysis of data locally.

CSPs that leverage edge computing can facilitate IoT deployments with reduced latency, improved throughput, enhanced security, as well as context and location awareness.

The race to conquer the edge has already began

Operators are already hard at work building the network infrastructure required to harness this new ecosystem of lucrative technologies, but monetizing that investment is not a simple process. Overcoming the technical, organizational and commercial challenges of venturing into a new market can be difficult, and with both telecom (and non-telecom) competitors moving fast, those that lag behind risk losing their share of the prize.

Operators should now consider partnerships and co-creation to quickly develop the solutions enterprises are looking for and tap into new revenue streams that will come to define the next chapter of telecommunications.

Enter Dell Technologies Solutions Co-Creation Services

Combining technology, expertise and sales reach, Dell Technologies Solutions Co-Creation Services (SCS) function as a joint venture engine for the conception, realization and commercialization of co-created solutions. We specialize in supporting CSPs where telecom and cloud converge on edge, 5G and more.

Whether you want to kick-start conversations around creating a new solution, have a desire to co-create with Dell Technologies but are unsure of exactly what to build, or you have already developed an idea and simply need support in making it a reality—we are at your service.

Together, we can conceptualize, build and test joint solutions in state-of-the-art lab facilities. Through deep collaboration, combined expertise, and a proven methodology, we bring together everything necessary to deliver a successful go-to-market launch. And that’s just the start. Solutions built with SCS can tap into Dell’s 43,000 strong sales force that reaches almost every enterprise on the planet.

How it works

Ideation—We start by identifying new opportunities through collaborative, interactive and structured ideation workshops. We then jointly develop ideas that show clear market potential, as well as business models to realize that potential.

Business Case—Once a specific solution has been chosen, we work out the business case to determine the commercial viability of the solution for both parties before committing to the build process.

Planning—In order to ensure a smooth execution of the solution creation project, we take time to intelligently map the development process together, determining if any new equipment needs to be acquired, what laboratory resources are needed etc. as well as what sales activities we will deliver during the campaign.

Execution—Our combined experts build, test and review the solution, and create all the supporting sales and marketing collateral. When everyone is satisfied, we launch.

Campaign—We provide post-launch sales enablement and demand generation, leveraging the sales collateral and the strength of Dell’s sales force.

Start building the solutions enterprises are looking for today

Edge computing’s market worth is expected to reach $61.14 billion by 2028, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate of 38.4%. Communication service providers find themselves in a unique position to capitalize on this growth opportunity, and the Dell Technologies SCS team is primed and ready to support and accelerate that process.

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