Digital Cities of the Future

While the advent of emerging technologies brings tumultuous change to rural living and work, it also carries a sense of hope – aspirations of better living. These combined forces are fueling the migration towards cities. This change is taking place globally, with Asia and Africa seeing the most rapid changes, and the Americas seeing slower adoptions of the same trends. Due to the ever growing economic opportunities provided in cities, people are continuing to leave their rural lives in favor of urban centers.

It is estimated that by 2050, cities of the world will be home to over 6 billion people and no less than 2 billion personal vehicles, mostly cars. Taking North America as a lifestyle benchmark for the world, we are on track to strip the earth of five times its available resources in order to support an extravagant consumption model. As of today, cities use an alarming 78% of energy consumption and produce 70% of greenhouse gas emissions.

Cities need to go through a paradigm shift to address the latent and emerging needs of their citizens and infrastructure. We believe transformation value is maximized when cities are built on a modern digital core that scales up to a “system of systems” that connects all the key operations to build one integrated picture. With a wealth of experience in IT transformations across verticals, industries and cities, Dell Technologies and its extensive ecosystem of partners are committed to create architecture that is open, scalable, agile, secure and future proof. Dell Technologies Digital Cities teams are leading transformative changes in the way cities operate and maximize output.

The Citizen Impact Awards were created to recognize solutions, empower teams across Dell Technologies and to show appreciation for delivering outstanding efforts and results. Our objective with this recognition program is to celebrate team and individual achievements that provide value to Digital Cities and citizens. This program aims to celebrate and encourage innovative achievements that advance the urgent goals of sustainable living and productivity growth while delivering excellent outcomes for citizens, customers and partners.

Some of the top solutions we celebrated with the Citizen Impact Awards include:

  • A step in the direction of saving the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Edge-IOT devices were deployed on boats to facilitate transfer of images and data from the cameras of visitors and divers. This allowed crowdsourcing of gathered data, helping scientists gain better insight into the damage on the Great Barrier Reef. For the public, these pictures raise awareness about the seventh wonder of the world and the dangers it faces due to rising sea temperature caused by climate change and pollution.
  • Helping manage traffic flow in city of San Jose, California, USA. We partnered with Intellisite and NVIDIA to help the San Jose, CA traffic department study the flow of traffic and understand the anomalies that lead to traffic snarls and accidents. Understanding the causes of these anomalies leads to better management of vehicular traffic, reduced fatalities and improved productivity in an economic epicenter.
  • A smart stadium for national and international soccer matches, shows and concerts, Coni – Olimpico Smart Stadium, Italy. Coni – Olimpico Smart Stadium partnered with Dell Technologies to manage crowding and distancing by installing new systems as they prepare to host Liga-Series A in September 2021. Dell Technologies installed a smart platform, video surveillance software, storage and servers, turning the stadium into a smart one. This eliminates the threat of un-ticketed people gaining access to the stadium, increasing safety and security.

Find out more about digital cities and how Dell Technologies can help you with your digital evolution.

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