Delivering AI at the Edge

The edge is not a new place, but it is garnering lots of attention, especially when it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI). In fact, AI is the number one workload for the edge, according to Moor Insights & Strategy in the newly published paper, “Delivering the AI-Enabled Edge with Dell Technologies.” The paper also points out that numerous organizations across all industries are extending the reach of their IT infrastructures to the edge, with many of them being directed from the top down.

Edge Dynamics and Requirements

As we move further into a world of autonomous operations, whether it be with self-driving vehicles or automated manufacturing lines, the combination of AI and the edge, along with a robust and scalable enterprise IT infrastructure, is required to bring full automation to fruition. However, the pairing of AI and edge adds new levels of complexity, with many edge devices and endpoints being located in less secure environments, where devices will need to be hardened against weather and theft.

Deploying edge devices to remote locations should not be an afterthought. An edge solution ideally will be fully integrated with an organization’s overall IT infrastructure and thus be as enterprise-grade as the rest of the data center. Although the requirements of AI at the edge can be exceedingly complex, for the most part they mirror the capabilities of traditional IT infrastructure.

  • Environmental – Edge solutions will need to be adaptable to many diverse environments.
  • Connectivity – Edge applications need to be ready to be disconnected from traditional networks.
  • Manageability – Edge solutions deployed at scale will require new intelligent management functions.
  • Reliability – Edge devices need to be able to function in all types of potentially challenging scenarios making them reliable in all locations.
  • Security – Edge solutions located outside the confines of traditional IT walls require intrinsic and comprehensive security.

Of course, organizations can deploy IT infrastructure capable of encompassing edge locations, but the most successful ones realize the value of strong technology partnerships in working with complex, emerging technologies such as AI at the edge.

The AI-enabled Edge

The proliferation of artificial intelligence continues apace across the spectrum and now the edge appears to be the last frontier for the development of a more autonomous environment. At Dell Technologies, we work with customers around the world on their AI initiatives. We are a leader in AI, driving innovations with it in our products, building the infrastructure to run AI workloads and deploying AI across our operations to streamline processes. Our deep expertise and our broad portfolio allow us to provide significant value to organizations in their digital transformations.

Dell Technologies offers a full range of integrated solutions, compute, storage and networking solutions ready for AI at the edge, including:

  • Integrated solutions – Validated Designs for AI that include the compute, networking, storage, software, and services optimized for AI workloads.
  • Compute – From laptops and workstations to servers and HCI solutions.
  • Storage – Data at the edge requires enterprise grade, scalable storage, and management.
  • Networking – A full slate of network solutions and switches to integrate edge devices into existing enterprise networks.

Our portfolio of integrated solutions for the core to the edge to the cloud is built with industry leading compute and storage. These solutions are fully supplemented with manageability, security, flexible deployment and consumption-based models, all backed by world class service and support.

To learn more, please attend our newest webinar. And then visit Dell Technologies Edge Solutions, Moor Insights & Strategy, and read the paper.

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