Beer and Cloud-native Apps – Dell Technologies

I know what you’re thinking – what could beer have to do with software architecture trends? Meet First Born Brewing. They’re an up and coming microbrewery and have done a great job in developing new beverages that are a big hit with their fans. The challenge is that First Born wants to gain new fans and better connect with their existing customer base.

An important tool for any organization trying to deepen their relationship with today’s tech-savvy consumers is the mobile app. Breweries are no different. Their customers want to know about the newest products under development. They want to get the inside scoop when fresh new batches drop. They want to connect socially with other fans and share a sense of community around their passion. A mobile app would be a great way for First Born to achieve their goals.

Quickly producing compelling new software, getting it to market and keeping it current requires support for modern software development and delivery capabilities. Today, that means leveraging cloud-native constructs like a microservices architecture and containers with Kubernetes orchestration. Like many other organizations, First Born needs modern apps so they need to figure out how they are going to source and maintain the infrastructure to support them.

The challenge is that First Born has existing applications and infrastructure that run their business today. They’ve got traditional Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and are a highly virtualized shop running on VMware vSphere supporting a variety of existing monolithic applications. How can they evolve their existing investments in infrastructure and skills to support cloud-native constructs? They need to do so in a way that preserves those investments while adding new capabilities. They need to adopt an environment with support for containers and Kubernetes. They need to host new apps without spinning up a separate island of resources to maintain. They need their existing staff to support and run their environment instead of hiring new staff with specialized skills. They can’t afford a big capital outlay to make this all happen.

While First Born Brewing is a fictional company, the challenges described are real. They are faced by organizations in all industries right now. Dell Technologies and VMware can help with a portfolio of solutions that range from best-of-breed components to fully integrated as-a-Service offerings like Dell Technologies APEX. We’ve created a short animation that uses the story of First Born Brewing to illustrate the solution. Watch the video below to learn how Dell Technologies can help all organizations pragmatically evolve their existing approach to IT infrastructure to support cloud-native applications with VMware Tanzu. For more information on our portfolio of solutions, please visit our Tanzu website.

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