EnGenius Cloud API Is the Cloud Network Technology MSPs & Eco-Partners Need

The EnGenius Cloud Wi-Fi management solution has the cloud network technology you need to manage your Wi-Fi deployments – including a robust application program interface (API) to extend the functionality of our cloud software to your existing Wi-Fi applications and solutions.

The FYI of API

The functionality of the Internet is built on the use of application program interfaces, or APIs. What is an API? An API is a set of commands available privately or publicly that allow developers to access the functionality of existing applications and services.

Why is this important? Well, as stated, nearly everything on the Internet communicates with other applications in order to provide functionality to users. From Google, to Facebook, to Amazon, to , every interaction done online requires access to some pre-existing application functionality.

Buying something on Amazon from a third party? An API is used. Sending music from your smartphone to a car stereo via Bluetooth? Thank an API.

APIs don’t just allow access to application functionality, but also to data. This is the cloud network technology that Google Maps uses to instantly provide information on a specific location, what restaurants are around it, and where to get gas for your drive home. APIs provide a means for one application to access the power and data of many different applications and leverage that functionality and data to its own users.

APIs enable two otherwise dissimilar entities to communicate with each other in a common language.

Cloud API on the Rise

With the huge increase in cloud computing adoption – specifically “as a Service” providers that use public cloud network technology as provided by AWS, Google Cloud, and others – there is a subsequent rise in the drive of the growth of the global cloud API use. As more services access applications and functionality in public clouds, they need to be able quickly access application software and systems that power the cloud. This drive is due to a huge demand for the operational efficiency and engineering automation needed to speed up time-to-market of product launches. In fact, a new report from Allied Market Research predicts an explosion in cloud API use in the next 5 years, growing at a CAGR of 20.3% from 2019 to 2026.

EnGenius Cloud API

EnGenius Cloud provides cloud network technology for managed service providers (MSP) and Eco-Partners via a complete set of APIs that extend and customize its Wi-Fi management capabilities. Our API allows access to configuration, display, statistics, monitoring, and troubleshooting information so that your homegrown or other existing networking and Wi-Fi applications can pull from the EnGenius Cloud and add functionality to internal systems. We offer the flexibility to change the theme, frontend design, add on modules, traffic redirection, and even add new IoT devices, all in one convenient place.

The EnGenius API allows you to harness the power, freedom, and ease-of-use that EnGenius Cloud provides and add it to your current systems.

EnGenius Cloud customers can get a full list of API commands and functionality by request. EnGenius is currently expanding and developing more API functionality all the time. If you have API needs or requests, let us know – EnGenius Cloud has you covered.

For small to medium business and enterprises that need a simple and central way to see and manage their wireless networks, EnGenius Cloud provides the reliable API tools needed to enable companies to focus on growing their business – not on managing there Wi-Fi.

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